Stephanie Lahar, Principal
Stephanie has worked with business, nonprofit, education and government leaders for over 30 years to help them plan for the future, solve problems, and develop their organizations. She is a highly engaging facilitator with a deep expertise in group dynamics. She is also an insightful leadership coach, and an experienced and pragmatic planner who enjoys the creativity and the discipline of strategic thinking, analysis and decision-making.
Stephanie’s wide interests and intellectual curiosity have brought her into many worlds in her consulting business. Prior to making this her full-time work in 1999, she also had a 17-year career in higher education, teaching at the University of Vermont, and serving as Academic Dean at Woodbury College. She has an M.A. in psychology.
She has developed college courses and training for client organizations in the areas of psychology, communications, conflict resolution, teambuilding, organizational development, environmental advocacy and systems thinking.
She also co-developed, along with three wonderful colleagues, an intensive, low-residency train-the-trainers program, the Training, Facilitation and Consulting Certificate Program at Marlboro College’s Center for New Leadership.
Stephanie works with projects partners in Vermont and nationally to deliver specific expertise and services.

Marlboro TFC Teaching Team: Stephanie, Dianne Russell, Andy Robinson, Kim Lier